Project Milestone: First Physical Testing Completed at the Boldrewood Towing Tank

Project Milestone: First Physical Testing Completed at the Boldrewood Towing Tank


As part of our Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition project - Supercharging Wind Propulsion - we have successfully completed the first phase of experimental testing. Working in collaboration with the University of Southampton and the Wolfson unit at the innovative Boldrewood towing tank facility, we are making strides in validating our high-fidelity approach to performance prediction for wind-assisted and wind-propelled commercial ships, a cornerstone of our ambition to deliver a zero-emission shipping solution.

This week-long testing phase was a crucial step in validating our digitally led approach to understanding and innovating for the maritime industry, as well as delivering further evidence of how our Wind Propulsion Technology (WPT) performs in real-world conditions. The data gathered will refine our digital modelling tools, which look to advance the state of the art when it comes to integrated aerodynamic and hydrodynamic simulations.

With enhanced and more accurate performance prediction, we can ensure our solutions are harnessing the wind more effectively, not just improving fuel efficiency - but enabling future technologies that will move us away from fossil fuels.

The University of Southampton's world-class facilities, including the 138-meter towing tank at Boldrewood, have provided the perfect setting for this vital testing and our valued partners at Scotline Limited have ensured our work remains grounded in real-world application, as we progress towards a deployable solution.

This project is part of the CleanMaritime Demonstration Competition Round 4 (CMDC4), funded by the UK Department for Transport (DfT) and delivered by Innovate UK. CMDC4 is part of the Department’s UK Shipping Office for Reducing Emissions (UK SHORE) programme, a £206m initiative focused on developing the technology necessary to decarbonise the UK domestic maritime sector.

About CMDC4

In March 2022, the UK Government announced the biggest government investment ever in our UK commercial maritime sector, allocating £206m to UK SHORE, a new programme within the Department for Transport focused on decarbonising the maritime sector. UK SHORE is delivering a suite of interventions throughout 2022-2025 aimed at accelerating the design, manufacture and operation of UK-made clean maritime technologies and unlocking an industry-led transition to Net Zero.

The UK SHORE programme includes the flagship multi-yearClean Maritime Demonstration Competition (CMDC) which provides match-funding to help bring pre-commercial technologies closer to market readiness. CMDC4 allocated £33m to 33 projects across the UK to deliver demonstrations, pre-deployment trials and feasibility studies between April 2024 – March 2025. The projects are supported by over 120 partners and will leverage more than £16m of private investment.

CMDC4 follows the successful first three rounds of the CMDC, which allocated over £95m to 105 projects. CMDC1 was launched in 2021, prior to UK SHORE.

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